
Who is treated with acupuncture ?

It is never too late or too early to be treated with Japanese Acupuncture!  Babies are treated from one month old.  Acupuncture helps with all phases and changes of life.  Treatments can really help patients at the end of their life.

Does it hurt !?

Japanese Acupuncture never causes any pain or discomfort.

How many treatments will I need ?

This really depends on each individual, age, and medical history.  A treatment plan of three to five treatments is often enough, with seasonal ‘top-up’ treatments to help maintain good health.  More persistent long-term complaints take longer to treat.  Babies & children respond much quicker.

Will my insurance cover the cost ?

In France some mutuel insurance contracts cover complimentary medicine carried out by non-doctors.  This can include osteopathy, and sometimes acupuncture.

All rights protected - Sebastian BROUSSE
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